If you spend a lot of time in bed, or in an armchair, you might benefit from a number of mobility products that are designed to make you more comfortable.
Whether you would benefit from a riser recliner chair or a cushion, a mattress elevator or a footboard, you can improve your posture and comfort, whilst sitting or lying bed.
Here are ten bed and chair mobility aids that can provide additional comfort and stability.
1. Riser recliner chairs are ideal for those with limited mobility, or who spend a lot of time in an armchair. As the name suggests they rise up to meet the user, so the user doesn’t have to actually sit down on the chair, and then lowers the user down to their chosen reclining position. There are various models available in different materials to meet various different needs.
2. High back chairs, which are similar to fireside chairs, can offer increased comfort, support and are recommended for good posture. They offer support for the head and back.
3. There are various mobility products available which turn a traditional armchair into a riser chair. These range from an electrically operated lift, to a frame that sits around the chair and allows the user to lean on the frame when sitting down or getting up from the chair. If you struggle to get into or out of an n armchair, then one of these healthcare aids can really help.
4. Bed and chair leg risers are available to raise the height of the bed or chair. This means that you don’t have to bend down as much to get into bed or into a chair. There are different types of riser available for different styles of chair and bed leg, which may or may not have castors.
5. Bed rails are available which slide underneath the mattress and are secured by straps. They allow you to lean on them to assist in getting in and out of bed. They can also help you to sit up or lie down. Grab rails and poles are also available to help with getting in and out of bed. It is recommended that a professional tradesperson fit the grab rails and poles to ensure that they are properly fitted. Over bed rails are available which also can help people sit up in bed.
6. Adjustable back rests are available for those who spend a lot of time in bed. These offer several positions ranging from a low lying angle to an upright sitting position.
7. Different shapes and sizes of cushions and pillows are available. These range from T-shaped cushions which are used with an armchair, to body pillows which are used in bed. These pillows and cushions are comfortable, supportive and also highly recommended by back care experts.
8. Cot sides are available which can help people getting in and out of bed, and can help those at risk of falling out of bed. The cot sides are usually adjustable to fit single or double beds and can be dropped when not required using a simple push button mechanism. Padded bumpers can be fitted to cot sides to offer more comfort and protection.
9. Over bed tables are ideal for those who spend a lot of time in bed, or sitting in an armchair. The tables can be usually be adjusted for angle and height so that they can be used comfortably and safely.
10. A mattress elevator allows people who spend a lot of time in bed to sit or lie comfortably. The mattress will rise or recline at the touch of a button. The mechanism can’t be felt through the mattress. Guards are available so that wayward hands or other items don’t become trapped in the mechanism.
These are just a few examples of the range and variety of bed and chair mobility aids that are available. Why not see if there’s anything that could make your daily living easier?